Daily Archives: November 19, 2011

Sekjen PBB Minta Adanya Transparansi Program Pelestarian Lingkungan

Sumber : Media Indonesia – 19 November 2011
Oleh Surya Sriyanti

Sekjen PBB Ban Ki Moon meminta dilakukan sosialisasi dan pengenalan kepada masyarakat secara transparan mengenai pelaksanaan program Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah.

Penegasan ini dikatakan Ban Ki Moon saat melakukan jumpa pers dengan wartawan di Bandara Cilik Riwut Palangkaraya sebelum bertolak ke Bali mengahadiri KTT.

Menurutnya, Kamis (17/11) malam, sejak Januari Kalteng telah dijadikan pilot project Reed+ alasannya jelas karena Kalteng punya SDA yang harus dilestarikan sehingga bisa mendukung perubahan iklim. (OL-11)

Link : http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/11/19/277426/89/14/-Sekjen-PBB-Minta-Adanya-Transparansi-Program-Pelestarian-Lingkungan

Jelang COP Durban, Muncul Kekhawatiran Utang Baru

Sumber : Kompas – 19 November 2011
Oleh Ichwan Susanto | Robert Adhi Ksp

Pada 28 November-9 Desember 2011 di Durban, Afrika Selatan, akan berlangsung Konferensi Para Pihak tentang Perubahan Iklim – COP 17 UNFCCC.

Ini pertemuan penting tahunan dimana Indonesias seharusnya memainkan peran penting, sebagai Negara kepulauan yang sangat rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim.

Namun pada saat yang sama, Indonesia juga dituduh menjadi pengemisi karbon terbesar dunia. Lebih disayangkan pula, peran Indonesia selama ini pada negosiasi-negosiasi iklim terus melemah sejak conference of party (konferensi para pihak/COP) 13 di Bali pada 2007.

Bukannya memimpin negara-negara selatan untuk menagih dengan tegas komitmen negara industri (annex 1) menurunkan emisi dan bertangung jawab membantu negara selatan melakukan adaptasi, Indonesia justru terperangkap menjadikan isu perubahan iklim menjadi pintu mendapatkan dana utang dan proyek-proyek iklim yang bakal mengancam keselamatan warga negara.

Saat ini utang proyek iklim mencapai 400 juta dollar AS, sementara utang programnya mencapai 1,9 miliar dollar AS.

Luluk Uliyah, dari Knowledge Officer SatuDunia, Sabtu (19/11/11) di Jakarta, memaparkan Forum Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia untuk Keadilan Iklim (CSF) dan Institute Hijau Indonesia mengkhawatirkan Pertemuan COP 17 akan menjadi pintu masuk utang baru dan proyek-proyek yang mengancam keselamatan warga.

Hal ini akan dibicarakan dalam Dengar Pendapat Masyarakat Sipil dengan Komisi XI DPR RI pada besok Senin, 21 November 2011 di ruang Sidang Komisi XI Gedung Senayan DPR RI Dari Masyarakat Sipil akan hadir Slamet Daroyni (Institut Hijau Indonesia) dan Siti Maemunah (Forum Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia untuk Keadilan Iklim/CSF).

Link : http://sains.kompas.com/read/2011/11/19/11315791/Jelang.COP.Durban.Muncul.Kekhawatiran.Utang.Baru

RI to Cut HCFC Consumption by 10 percent

Source : Jakarta Post – November 19, 2011
By Tifa Asrianti

Indonesia plans to gradually halt the consumption of hydro chloro fluoro carbon (HCFC), a substance that depletes the ozone layer, by reducing HCFC consumption by 10 percent by 2015.

Indonesia still sees the need to use several types of HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) in air conditioners, domestic fire extinguishers and foam industries due to technical, economic and work safety considerations. Indonesia collected US$61 million for reducing the use of ozone layer depleting substances from 1993 to 2010.

The country ratified the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987 and has since issued regulations on the control of ozone layer depleting substances.

With these ratifications, Indonesia is obliged to follow reduction targets in relation to ozone layer depleting substances.

As part of the Montreal Protocol, adopted in 2007, signatories committed to quickening the eradication of HCFCs, due to the propensity of these substances to deplete the ozone layer and foster global warming. HCFCs, which are commonly used substances, are 2,000 times stronger than carbon dioxide (CO2) in terms of increasing global warming.

As Indonesia is the host for the 9th conference on the Vienna Convention and also the 23rd meeting of the Montreal Protocol this month in Nusa Dua, Bali, the country hopes to propose a declaration that can bridge the implementation of the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol with the Kyoto Protocol, which is part of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Arief Yuwono, the Environment Ministry’s deputy for environmental degradation and climate change, said that the government had drafted a HCFC Phase Out Management Plan (HPMP) to reach the freeze target by 2013, and to reach a 10 percent reduction of HCFCs by 2015. As part of the HPMP, in the near future the government will undertake technology transfer, policy and regulation interventions. “We hope that it can also support the target to reduce emissions by 26 percent from the business as usual scheme that we hope to reach by 2020,” he said.

As of December 2007, Indonesia has succeeded in halting the consumption of the ozone depleting substances of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methyl bromide, halon, carbon tetra chloride (CTC) and methyl chloroform (also known as trichloroethane/TCA). “We succeeded in phasing out 8,989 metric tons of CFC by the end of 2007, two years earlier than the Montreal Protocol target,” Arief said.

Link : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/11/19/ri-cut-hcfc-consumption-10-percent.html

U.S. Pledges $450M to Indonesia for Green Economic Growth

Source : Mongabay – November 19, 2011

The U.S. government has pledged more than $450 million toward “green growth” in Indonesia, reports the State Department.

Under the recently-signed Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact for Indonesia, the Indonesian government will implement a $332.5 million “Green Prosperity Project” to “support environmentally sustainable economic growth through enhancing management of forests, peat lands, and other natural resources and deployment of renewable energy.”

The initiative includes support for rainforest and peatland conservation, coral reef protection efforts, better fisheries and coastal management, and air quality programs.

The U.S. will contribute $6.9 million toward the Indonesia Climate Change Center (ICCC), which according to the State Department, will “focus on mapping and monitoring of carbon-rich peat lands and tropical forests with expertise from the U.S. Forest Service, bringing the best available science and analysis to policy leaders on key strategies and decisions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.” Norway is providing matching funds for ICCC.

The State Department says it has initiated $58 million in new USAID programs in management of forests, marine resources, and clean energy under its existing $119 million SOLUSI partnership with Indonesia on low carbon development.

“The MCC compact with Indonesia will spur economic growth, reduce poverty, improve transparency and strengthen democracy by helping Indonesia make wiser, more sustainable natural resource decisions,” said Nigel Purvis, President of Climate Advisers, a think tank, in a statement. “By recognizing the role that sustainable natural resource management plays in economic growth, and by insisting on measurable results, the MCC is helping to modernize U.S. foreign aid and to protect vital U.S. national interests.”

The agreement will support Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s 7/26 plan, which targets 7 percent annual economic growth with a 26 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. The Indonesia President has made it a goal to end deforestation in Indonesian by the end of his term in 2014.

Research has shown that the industries driving the majority of deforestation and peatlands degradation in Indonesia — which generate roughly 80 percent of emissions — account for a decreasing share of the country’s economy.

Environmental degradation also carries substantial costs for Indonesia in terms of air pollution from fires, soil erosion and siltation, damage from flooding downstream from deforested areas, and loss of renewable resources.

Link : http://news.mongabay.com/2011/1119-mcc_indonesia.html