Daily Archives: January 10, 2012

Fellowships and writing workshops for climate change researchers from South Asia

Source : Mailist -January 09, 2012

Call for applications: Support to Improve Climate Change and Information Services in South Asia (SICRISA)

‘Fellowships and writing workshops for climate change researchers from South Asia’

Climate change researchers from South Asia are invited to apply to participate in a new fellowship programme and/or a residential writing workshop to be held in South Asia in 2012.

Deadline for applications is 21 February 2012

Through fellowships and residential writing workshops, South Asian scientists and social scientists will be trained and supported to:
1. Publish in peer reviewed journals
2. Write for different types of publication aimed at a range of audiences
3. Increase their influence on policy
4. Raise the profile of their research through the media.

To find out more visit www.sicrisa.org or http://www.teriin.org/projects/sicrisa or email sicrisa@ids.ac.uk

Please forward this to colleagues that might be interested and to other relevant networks and mailing lists.

Dr Terry Cannon
Climate Change Team
Institute of Development Studies, Brighton

UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) 2012 Nomination

The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) is holding its eighth annual Energy Summer School from 17th June – 22nd June 2011 at the University of Warwick in the English Midlands. There will be 100 places available for UK and international students.

The School has been specifically designed to give second year PhD students an understanding of energy systems as a whole and of pathways to low-carbon and resilient energy systems. This directly relates to international climate change issues and policies as students will become engaged
In mock United Nations style negotiations throughout the week in order to achieve a reduction in carbon emissions through the use of energy systems.

We welcome applications from those engaged in energy-related research including technical, physical, social, economic, environmental and business aspects of energy and energy systems.

We would like to invite you to nominate students to attend. There is no charge for registered research students to attend the School; UKERC will provide accommodation and all meals and materials for activities. The School is conducted in English, and as it is highly interactive a good standard of comprehension and spoken English is essential.

During the week-long course, which runs in parallel to UKERC’s Annual Assembly, students will:
1. Examine the evolving challenges, and the feasibility of, the transition to a low-carbon, resilient and affordable energy system out till 2030;
2. Understand the global commercial, political, innovation and technological challenges in the transition to a low-carbon system;
3. Be involved in high level debate on energy technologies and research priorities in a number of key research areas, from demand reduction to future sources of energy;
4. Be presented with a number of contrasting international perspectives on energy;
5. Have the opportunity to network with key academic, and energy research contacts;
6. Research, develop, negotiate and agree a collective vision for a low-carbon energy system and present the work to the UK Energy Research Centre
7. Develop and practice professional skills in communication and engagement.

The course is professionally facilitated to provide continual support for participants, and includes a number of networking opportunities as well as social events.

Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail from 22nd March 2012 and both nominator and nominee will at that time be asked to formally accept the place. Should the delegate subsequently withdraw and a suitable replacement not be found, the nominator will be required to pay for the cost of the unused place. The course is normally over-subscribed, and UKERC will select delegates by giving preference to those in the second year of a PhD, to provide an appropriate mix of specialist disciplines, and a balance of UK and non-UK based students.
Nominations are now open until 1700hrs (5pm) GMT Thursday, 8th March 2011. For convenience we ask that the student completes the nomination form, but they will need to include your details as confirmation of endorsement.

The nomination form can be accessed from our website or by clicking on the link below. http://www.regonline.co.uk/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1037477

If you have further questions, please call us on +44 (0)207 594 1574 or email Ilaria Longo (Ilaria.longo@ukerc.ac.uk )
Further information is available from the UK Energy Research Centre website at www.ukerc.ac.uk

JOB: Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP)

Sumber : Mailist – 09 Januari 2012

Incas Data Entry

Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) saat ini membuka lowongan pekerjaan bagi warga negara Indonesia untuk dua posisi INCAS Data Entry berkantor di Jakarta. Australia Indonesia Kemitraan Karbon Hutan (IAFCP) didanai oleh Bantuan Australia dan dikelola oleh IDSS Pty Ltd dan Euroconsult Mott MacDonald atas nama AusAID.

IAFCP ini mendukung Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengembangkan Sistem Akuntansi Karbon Nasional (INCAS). Sistem Akuntansi Karbon Nasional di Indonesia (INCASI) akan menyediakan account yang komprehensif dan kredibel dari profil tanah di Indonesia berdasarkan emisi dan kapasitas kedalaman. Sistem yang sangat terintegrasi akan mengkompilasi informasi dari kehutanan Indonesia dan sektor pertanian untuk menyediakan profil emisi kuat dari: penginderaan jauh data perubahan penutupan lahan, penggunaan lahan dan manajemen data; iklim dan data tanah, pertumbuhan dan data biomassa, dan spasial dan pemodelan ekosistem temporal.
Para Data Entry akan bekerja untuk fasilitas IAFCP dan bekerja sama dengan INCAS Adviser dan Pemerintah secondees ditunjuk.

Lingkup Pekerjaan
1. Input data Inventarisasi Hutan Nasional (NFI) dan data biomassa lain yang relevan ke dalam database yang diperlukan
2. Memelihara database NFI dengan baik
3. Menganalisa data NFI yang diperlukan
4. Berpartisipasi dan berkontribusi dalam pertemuan dan lokakarya kegiatan INCAS yang relevan
5. Memberikan data yang relevan untuk INCAS

Kualifikasi dan Pengalaman
Diploma sederajat, atau diatasnya, 3 tahun pengalaman dalam keterampilan komputer. Familiar dengan perangkat lunak statistik seperti SPSS, dan memiliki bahasa pemrograman komputer.

Silakan mengirimkan aplikasi Anda ke alamat: recruitment@iafcp.or.id selambat-lambatnya 14 Januari 2012. Tentukan nama posisi yang Anda lamar dalam e-mail Anda. Hanya kandidat terpilih akan diberitahu.