Daily Archives: January 18, 2012

Geography International Symposium 2012

Source : Gadjah Mada University – January 18, 2012

Geography is all about Earth and phenomena occur within. Due to its approaches –spatial, ecological, and regional complex-, Geography becomes a holistic and dynamic science. Environmental problems such as natural disasters are now become the most happening issues in the world. Oftentimes disaster cannot be delayed or rejected but the risk can be reduced. Geography can answer the main question about location, process, and also how to reduce the risk of disaster.

One of the most popular environmental issues is climate change. Green House Gases (GHG) actually has a positive function which is to warn the Earth’s temperature. Without GHG, it is extremely low, while with the abundance of GHG in the atmosphere it increases significantly. This abundance was born as the consequence of people’s effort in achieving their welfare and prosperity through several economic activities. Agriculture intending to deforest decreases the population of carbon dioxide absorbers, cattle and poultry husbandries release methane, sulfur oxide, and nitro oxide, while industry and transportation contribute Freon and carbon dioxide.

The global temperature increase in a very long period associates with the birth of climate change. Season shifts, more frequent extreme precipitation, drought, even increasing intensity of tropical cyclone become the footprints of climate change impacts all around the world. Developed countries in Europe have invented environmentally friendly technology without decreasing the economic activities which support their people’s life. On the contrary, the developing countries, such as Indonesia, still prioritize their energy and time to increase and distribute evenly the people’s welfare. Thus, similar technology is far beyond reach.

This condition doesn’t mean to represent the loss of Indonesia in war against the impact of climate change, but its obligation to improve all environmentally friendly acts which are simple and can be implemented by each of its citizen. The compilation of these acts is realized under the event named Geography International Symposium (GIS) 2012 which themed Adaptation Toward Climate Change for Sustainability. It is organized by BEM KM Fakultas Geografi UGM, as the host of GIS 2012, and Ikatan Mahasiswa Geografi Indonesia (IMAHAGI) which includes academic session, socio-cultural session, and regional meeting in order to increase the understanding of and unite the efficient and significant ideas of climate change of each of Indonesian and other countries’ participants.

Further information for this event please check: www.geographysymposium.geo.ugm.ac.id

1. To open the mind, perspective, and sensitivity of geography students and practicioners especially related to the theme of the Symposium, both in terms of scientific and academic experience of professionalism.
2. To improve the competence and prepare candidates for geographers, who are reliable in terms of scientific expertise and scientific professionalism.
3. To create a network for the development of geography
4. To foster a sense of brotherhood among the geography students, especially in the South East Asia region

Form of Event :
Call for Papers with the theme “Applications of Interdiciplinary Science to Deal With Climate Change” . It gives opportunity for participants to present and exhibit their scientific paper and poster.

Provisions of participants :
Participants attend and required to write a paper (in English) from any kind of basic science. It may include social science, economic, technology, nature and environment, health science, engineering, etc.

Important Dates :
1. Lastest abstract submission: January 31st, 2012
2. Notification of Acceptance: February 10th, 2012
3. Latest Participants Registration: March 30th, 2012
4. Deadline Full paper and poster: April 20th, 2012
4. Symposium and presentation: Mei 6 th, 2012

Send the Abstract and Curriculum Vitae by email to : geographysymposium@ugm.ac.id or GISyogyakarta@hotmail.com

Abstract must be written in english, 400 words max. For a group papers, the maximum number of the members are 3 persons.

Accepted Abstrack Should Pay :
– For undergraduate student (S1) : IDR 450.000 (US$ 50)
– For student S2 : IDR 650.000 (US$ 70)
– For student S3 and public : IDR 850.000 (US$ 90)

1. There’s a prize for the best paper.
2. The paper that is accepted will be published on geography scientific journal, and the author will get the journal for free.
3. International Symposium with the theme “Adaptation toward Climate Change for Sustainability” will be presented by the speakers from Indonesia and abroad. It is purposed to outreach the community about the impact of Climate Change and steps to mitigate that case. It also expects that the movement can reach all levels of society as we all share the responsibility to preserve the Earth.

Youth Conference with the theme Youth Role for Climate Change and Environmental Issues

This Youth scientific conference will discuss the condition of environment nowadays, and its sustainability. At the Conference, participants must make description about the environmental problems that have occurred in their country and ensure some points thingking about youth contributions that can do to faced climate change and preserve environment in order to sustainable. The conference divided into group discussion, there are :
– Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
– Hydrology and Agroecosystem in Climate change
– Community Empowerment to Adapt Climate Change
– Reducing Economic Disruption Caused by Climate Change
Output from this activity is Youth Declaration on the steps to be taken in each country to minimize the impact of climate change (The declaration socialisted on opening ceremony of International Symposium).

Provisions of participants :
1. Participants can choose one group from four topics and concern at that case (participants must make a short essay about that choosen focus theme)
2. Participants are generally may comes from civitas academica, researcher, or public society who 18 – 35 years old
3. The conference definite for 80 first registrant person
4. Fee to join this conference : IDR 30.000
5. Registration opened now till latest participants registration : April, 30th 2012
6. The panel conference will be held at May, 5th 2012 starts from 08.00 – end at Faculty of Geography Universitas Gadjah Mada
7.Facility : Notes and Pen, Certificate, Coffee break, Lunch

For Further Information
Mobile : +62 856 430 48 101 (Ms. Rona)
Telp : +62 274 649 2340 ; Fax : +62 274 589 595 (FGE UGM)
Email : GISyogyakarta@hotmail.com
Website : www.geographysymposium.geo.ugm.ac.id

Link : http://oia.ugm.ac.id/interface/?p=956

Jual-beli karbon itu bohong, kata pakar

Sumber : Antara – 17 Januari 2012
Oleh Jafar M Sidik

Perdagangan karbon antara negara yang memiliki potensi menyerap karbon dengan negara penghasil emisi karbon seperti Amerika Serikat rekaan belaka, kata Pakar Lingkungan dari Universitas Indonesia, Mohammad Hasroel Thayib.

“Amerika membakar minyak dan menghasilkan karbon dioksida (CO2) banyak. Bagaimana logikanya itu (karbondioksida) bisa melewati laut ribuan mil?” kata Hasroel kepada Antara News, Selasa.

Perdagang karbon adalah salah satu cara untuk mengurangi emisi karbon yang menyebabkan pemanasan global.

Hasroel menilai perdagangan karbon hanya skenario negara-negara penghasil emisi karbon untuk menghambat industri di Indonesia.

“Dalam ilmu kimia dasar disebutkan kalau karbondioksida itu lebih berat dibanding oksigen. Bagaimana karbondioksida yang dihasilkan itu bisa naik ke udara?” kata Hasroel.

Dia berpandangan, keberadaan karbondioksida di atmosfer terjadi karena sinar kosmik yang memecah nitrogen. bukan buangan dari bawah atmosfer.

“Sinar kosmik itu proton dan neutron. Begitu terkena nitrogen yang ringan, kena intinya, berubah dia (nitrogen)!” kata mantan peneliti Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional (BATAN) itu.

Karbondioksida di atmosfer besifat alami dan mendukung kehidupan Bumi dari suhu dingin (minus 18 derajat celcius). “Tidak usah takut dengan karbondioksida karena akan larut ketika hujan,” kata Hasroel.

Hasroel menandaskan satu pernyataan ilmiah harus konsisten dengan pernyataan ilmiah sebelumnya.

“Pernyataan ilmiah sebelumnya (bilangan avogadro) mengatakan kalau CO2 itu berat, SO2 itu berat. Tidak mungkin dia penyebab efek rumah kaca,” tegasnya Hasroel. I026

Link : http://www.antaranews.com/berita/293194/jual-beli-karbon-itu-bohong-kata-pakar